有氧狂想曲 Cardio Rhapsody
I found a new way to motivate myself while doing cardio (Which is up to 5x a week); Watching “Keeping up with the Kardashians” .
The show was playing on the treadmill monitor this morning. Never before did I experience such multiplicity of emotions at once. I was envious, sexually aroused, jealous, happy, angry, sad, confused, contemplative, mindless…etc, all at once.
This drove me to run faster and longer than I had previously thought possible. It was like I was sprinting space and my legs were cycling on top of a gigantic,11 dimensional ’sphere’ constructed from various substances such as flowers, clitoris, MDMA, brains, tiger skin, violin strings, BBCs, tears, tampons, clouds, various insects, and etc, which extends to reach the sky at the speed of light.
The more I run, the more I seem to be ’smoothening out’ the uneven surface of this sphere, making it smaller, more comprehensible and controllable both materially and conceptually. And when it finally shrunk, alongside my fat, down to the size of an atom and was imperceptible to my senses, I knew I've had a successful cardio session.