關於無常 On impermanence
沒有什麼是一成不變的。 沒有什麼是永遠都會保持一樣的。 我們在智力層面上都知道這一點,但是,在感覺(收縮)和宇宙狀態(膨脹)的量子和微觀水平上,人們可以多密切地觀察這一點,而這也是讓你開一扇前往自由的門
正如你體驗中知覺的那一結會依附於任何在附近的體驗對象,包括上帝,作為“自我”,同樣也將體驗“凍結”為靜態現象,而不是不斷流動的自然狀態。 在每一納秒展開無休止的過程。 見證者、見證的過程和被見證的都在一場沒有眼睛/我的宇宙風暴中滾動
那麼最深的無常證悟也僅此而已。 當你在微觀層面觀察無常時,最終你的頭腦“捕捉”了構成你生命電影流動的定格,而你同時也在幀之間的空間時,到最後整個宇宙就會消失去
1. 您正在通過電視屏幕觀看河流的視頻
5. 河流蒸發成空氣。
而平凡的每一刻,都格外引人入勝,也正是因為如此。 即使是看著一個靜止的物體,深入無常也會揭示它的神性,因為一切都在振動、升起、消失在本源中。
一秒鐘前構成“你”的任何東西都將永遠消失。 下一秒組成“你”的任何東西也永遠都不會到來
On impermanence
Nothing stays constant. Nothing remains the same. We all know this on the intellectual level, but how closely can one observe this Insight experientially at the quantum and microscopic level of sensations (contraction) and the cosmic state (expansion) is one door to liberation
The vibratory, oscillating "blink" of an atom is about billions of times faster than the blink of a human eye, which is billions of times faster than the birth and death of a star.
A zen nun describes her moment of enlightenment.
"She saw all phenomenon arose, abided, and fell away simultaneously. The Knowing of all this also arose, abided, and fell away spontaneously. Then she knew that there was nothing more than this. No ground, nothing to lean on, and no one leaning. And then she opens the clenched fist of her mind, and jump in."
Beautiful aye?
Recently I've been talking a lot about No-Self, but the Insight into impermanence is just another side of the same coin.
(ANY insight on the Path is intimately connected to and is emerge out of all other Insights on the multi-faceted jewel of the One Reality).
See it is very difficult to observe impermanence at the deepest level if you still have not dissolved the center point and vice versa.
Just as the perceptual knot in the middle of your experience will cling on to any object of experience, including God, as "Self", what also does is "freeze" experiences into static phenomenons instead of the Natural State of constantly Flow. Endless process unfolding nano second by nano second. Where the Witness, the witnessing, and the witnessed all roll in One Cosmic Storm without an Eye/I.
The deepest Realization of Not-Self is a fruition/cessation where even Consciousness disappears.
Then the deepest Realization of Impermanence is also just that. When you observe impermanence at the microscopic level, eventually your mind "catches" the freeze frame that composes the flow of your movie of life as you sync into the space between frames, and then the entire universe disappears.
If I can use the stages of awakening I've been describing recently, the Realization of Impermanence can be visualized as follows:
1. You are watching a video of a river through a TV screen
2. You are standing next to the river and watching in flow by
3. You jump into the river (yet there is still a sense of swimming alongside and merging with the river from a center point of the body)
4. Your body dissolves and there is just the river
5. The river evaporates into air.
And the reason why every moment of the ordinary is extraordinarily fascinating is just that. Even looking at a static object, deep penetration into Impermanence reveals its Divine Nature, as everything is vibrating, arising, vanishing into the Source.
Whatever makes up "you" a second ago is gone forever. Whatever will make up "you" on the next second will never come