腿部訓練=與自己的約會 LEG day today = date with myself.












I realized that every time before a heavy squat workout, I feel anxious. I reckon It's the same kind of anxiety that you feel before a date with a girl, or when you have a job interview.


I'm not really afraid of the girl, or the weights; What I'm really afraid of is confronting with the weaker version of myself...and this happens either NOW or AFTER the workout.


This is the paradox brought on by the meta and self-conscious nature of bodybuilding:


If I get a PR, then my current ego would be destroyed by the new one, which means I'm really the coward right now and should be scared. But if I don't get a PR but is expecting to get one, then my current perception of myself is flawed and I should be scared too, right now.


So either way I'm screwed.