多維度圖像 Multi-dimensional Imagery







*This isn't some pseudo-philosophical bullshit. I'm just trying to share with you a way to look at everyday activities and to broaden your perception of those seemingly mundane actions. We should all look at things from a multi-dimensional and fresh perspectives. Apply it to your life in a way that it will help you grow and escape the rigid boxes inside your head that can bring new, more opened, more creative, more flexible ways of thinking. 


Anyway, I noticed this morning how similar the strings of my violin are to electrical wires. I also realized that my fingers are like the birds that rest on those wires. From the observer's perspective, it seems impossible that the birds can balance themselves with such ease without falling even while they are chirping. Like those birds, my fingers can be placed and can move so precisely on the strings in millimeter increments without missing notes. 


Now that I think about it, how I warp my mind up to operate in another dimension of space time is more like how an ant moves around and perceives a wire. To the human eye, the wire is one dimensional - the only place for an ant to move, from the human perspective, is left and right. But from the ant's perspective, it can move around the wire in a multi-directional manner. It is impossible for an ant to fall, just like how a creature in a 2-dimensional flat land can never jump up and leave the ground.


Analogously, to not miss a note on the violin, the mind cannot just operate on one dimension of the strings. The mind must zoom in deeper until the space-time fabric expands and the mind finds itself moving freely in another dimension where missing a note would be as absurd as jumping up and down on a flat/2-dimensional universe (if you are imaginative enough to make the full transformation). 


This is why the best violinists can play so well in tune. It's not just that their fingers are more efficient in a physical and mechanical matter...but that they are able to transform their minds completely. This however, is but one phenomenological transition. The transition from printed musical notes to fingerings to musical melodies to their emotional and intellectual representation of all distinct layers of representation/plane of reality that have to occur and be dealt with simultaneously in parallel to each other if music is to occur. If you think about it, this is how everything in life works. 


I think this whole post summarizes the way human thinking works. Analogy is at the base of all human thinking - to think of something as something else in a parallel fashion is the heart of understanding. Not just my first example about the literal analogy between string/wire and fingers/birds... But the deeper, more phenomenological 'jump' I take when I play the violin of transforming a thought to an entirely different dimension/mental universes (think of the relationship between words and things in the world they represent).