"No MIND" DOESN'T MEAN No Thoughts/Thots!"

“無思維” 並不代表沒有思想!

"No MIND" DOESN'T MEAN No Thoughts/Thots!" You can have a million thoughts and still be in "No Mind". I've been in the state of "No Mind" for 2 months now. Up to the night leading up to the Big Bang, it took me hours to fall asleep even when I took sleeping aids...have been most of my life. The shift was so dramatic that since then, almost every single night I pass out almost the second I close my eyes and only need about 4 to 5 hours of sleep.

"No Mind" simply means from the matter of direct experience, "you" no longer feel like you are inside the bodymind, but hovering around it as vast, Infinite Space, with the meatsuit and the brain far, far away and barely hanging on...connected by an invisible thread, moving about all by themselves through the universal cause and effects no different from any other objects floating around in a world of holograms. You can definitely still think, think more deeply even...but all thoughts become completely insubstantial and empty. Like I said before, this work is all about having your paradox and eat it too.

“無思維” 並不代表沒有思想!我沉浸在無思維的狀態中已有兩個月了。直到我開悟的那天之前,我都面對睡眠障礙,還得吃安眠藥... 數年來都是這樣過。這轉變誇張得令我現在一閉上眼睛就直接睡著去了,而且我現在每天平均只需4到5小時的睡眠。

“無思維” 指的就是從最直接的自身體驗來說,“你”不會再覺得自己活在你的身心靈內,反而是在這無限當中漂浮著,而身心就再非常遠的地方,和別的物體一樣進行所有前因後果造就的事情。你當然還是可以思考,也許想得更深入... 但思想都會是空的。就像我之前說過的,這一塊就是發掘矛盾並把它給吃掉!