寡欲日記 Note on My Reduced Desire








I've lost (successfully reduced) my sex drive...by 75 percent compared to a year or two ago. I feel liberated, but at the same time I feel like my dog just died. But I'm not worried because I'm willing to bet that my current sex drive is still higher than the average male. 

I feel a little lost and confused sometimes because there is a void in my mind that used to be filled with pornographic imaginations, and I feel like I'm carrying around a huge empty sphere on my head that I don't know what to do with.

In fact, my day to day, moment to moment state of mind/subjective feels is very different now.

My mind was shaped like a jumbled up bundle of mess that's twisted and intertwined in all directions and is composed of information about the past or theories and ideas i read from books. If you look at it from far away, it looks like a static, unmoving, stubborn dot.

Now my consciousness is more like waves rather than a particle, with information freely scattered and floating through out and surfing on empty spaces waiting to be 'clicked' or collapsed... But until then it remains a mere potentiality. It feels more like Instagram photos and the Internet itself rather than a big fat book shaped like a BBC. 

I no longer dream, and have less to say, especially in social situations. 

Most importantly, I feel healthy and younger, more peace,bliss and joy. 

What I want to say is that through meditation, proper diet, exercise, one can drastically alter and transform his consciousness and all experiences in life.

I wonder how I would look at feel a year from now.