完滿的人生 The Complete Life (you're always the oldest you've ever been)



















  只有當死期確定了,作為參考基準點,我們才能說自己到底活得多老。而我說過,大多數人都以預期壽命作參考基準。 (當今預期壽命是七十歲,所以如果能活到七十,就算是壽終正寢,活得完滿)。





I think it’s a mistake to view death as being nearer than yesterday as if we are given a quota called “life”. 

Most people view life as this substance that we “use up” with time as we age, and each day that passes by, we use up more of this life-stuff and move closer to death. It’s also interesting to note that people seem to always have a notion of an “entitled generalized lifespan”. Meaning that most people think they somehow have a sort of a right to live to a certain age, and that if they do not reach that self-proclaimed age, they consider their lives to be incomplete. 

For instance, most people would consider somebody’s life to be more “complete” if he gets to live to be 90 than say, somebody who died at the age of 30. The person who died at 90 lived a more complete life because he filled up more of his life bucket, where the 30 year old lived a less “complete” life because he didn’t use up his expected life quotas like he should have. 

But a person does NOT have a life quota to begin with. We are not like prisoners who are waiting for execution, with the date and time of death written down already. 

People of course, live for a certain number of days. But since the exact date of your death is unknown, it is illogical to think that we are moving closer to death with each passing day. The date of your death is always in constant state of flux. Everything that you do, and everything that happens to you through out life pushes or pulls that date further or closer from you. 

If you spend the next week fucking prostitutes without a condom and eating McDonald’s every meal, then you are probably pulling that date closer to you, than say, if you spend that week sitting at home, eating vegetables and carrots. Likewise, if you have a high fever now, death is probably closer to you now than after your recovery. 

Even a condemned prisoner who is expected to be executed tomorrow can suddenly die of an accidental death today. So, a person does not experience finite as such, and he does not experience himself as progressing towards nothingness.

Death is an unknown element that is always up for grasps, and what we do with our lives are merely means to play around with that date, tossing it around, making it closer or further away from you.

Since the date of our death isn’t set in stone, we really don’t have any idea how old we are, or how complete our lives are. 

It is only with a fixed date of death as a frame of reference that we determine how “old” we really are. And like I mentioned before, that time of reference is usually the life expectancy of a given time period (it’s 70 now, so if we live to be 70 you died of old age, and had a complete life). 

But such a proclaimed life expectancy is more or less an illusion because each organism has only, as its time of reference, ALL THE TIME IT HAS EVER KNOWN. 

So everybody’s life is ALWAYS the fullest at a given moment because we are always, at THIS particular moment, the oldest we’ve ever been. So there really isn’t such a thing as an “incomplete” life, since every life is always at its fullest.