The Root of all Fear & Suffering
All fear boils down to the fear of not dwelling in thoughts.
Because the second you step outside of the mind, you lose the whole world. The death of the self.
And when you finally lose the center/self, there’s nothing BUT the whole world, but it is not YOUR world, it’s the world AS IT IS. And that whole world is what you are.
So any time the mind is threatened to step out of itself, it will do everything in its power to put the lenses of distortions back on.
And there is nothing you can do but surrender.
This is the source of all suffering.
THAT WHICH IS CREATING THE ILLUSION IS CREATING THE SITUATION IN Which the problem is created in the first place.
So every time you try to “figure it out” with thoughts or with the mind, that’s what creates the problem.
And before you know it, with that very first thought you’re being pulled all the way back in the thought train again and again.
Until one day you’re just fed up with this endless loop and say to yourself,
“F this. I am DONE with this, I am done suffering”, and you get off the ride, step outside of the mind/self, and never look back.
Once you are determined to take the first step, Reality will take care of the rest. All you have to do is surrender.
Very few of us will do this because thoughts, no matter how much suffering they cause, create our identity and separation because Maya will do everything in its power to make sure it sustains its own illusion and keeps us imprisoned. And there’s no way out no matter how much you think about it.
Our system always believes that the beliefs it is holding on to, regardless of how much pain it causes, are serving them. That they’re doing a positive service. That it’s protecting us. But those beliefs are actually the most dangerous ones.
You just have to be courageous enough to take that “First Step” and begin the process of dying before you die, and wake up from the dream of “me”, and of the mind, bit by bit…
One can still have many thoughts because no mind and mind, dream and Reality are ultimately one and the same.
But there is a quantum difference between being outside vs. inside thoughts and concepts.
Once there’s no distinction between inside and outside, one sees that the problem and the answer co-dependently arise. There was never a solution because there was never a problem in the first place. Neither exists in Reality.
Both are empty sensations created by the mind to sustain the self because most thoughts, positive or negative are self serving.
There’s nothing to figure. you don’t know anything.
End of story 👨👧😀🙈😍🦋