How to Release Trauma with Meditation

How To Get Over Trauma 101.

Somebody may have done something to hurt you 5 seconds, 1, 5, 10 years ago, but that was then, this is now, who is hurting you now?

No one but yourself.

What is the story you are telling yourself right now that’s preventing you from letting go of this hurt and this blame that you are putting on yourself?

See and inquire into what exactly you have to say to yourself NOW to stop the hurting.

The belief “Why did my father hurt me when I loved him so much” is in this moment, a false core belief, an illusion created by your own mind. Empty sensations that have nothing to do with Reality.

What belief right now is causing you pain? The closing of the heart, the anger, the grief?

Ask yourself what those sensations really are and feel them out completely. It’s the only way to exhaust and release them.

As long as we hold on to the belief that what somebody else did or say in the past is causing me pain right now, we are totally disempowered.

And there’s absolutely nothing we can do about it.

The empowering thing is this: From the moment something happened. Good or bad…from that moment on, it’s on you, only you to process that belief and render them into empty sensations that you are creating, and has nothing to do with the Now.

See, if you lay this in blame in somebody else’s hands, you are in big trouble! Because none of us can do anything to change what had happened in the past. Everything is exactly as it should be.

But we can see that our current emotional pain is something our minds are creating and our body is reflecting. Go in there and meditate on it. Not thinking about it or analyzing it with more thoughts, but feel it out because your thoughts are always linked to how you feel and vice versa.

After you find the (false) core belief, have the patience to feel what thoughts are linked to that belief.

Feel it out completely.

If that belief only causes pain, why would you hold on to it? Taking the time to feel them all the way out is key. The longer you sit, the deeper you go into the conditions.

Simply put, to Get Over Trauma:

  1. Find the False Core Belief, which is generated by the mind right now

  2. Link the thoughts/belief to feelings.

  3. Stay with it and be patient

  4. Don’t think about it.

Our system always believes that the beliefs it is holding onto are serving us, having a positive effect, and protecting us. But these beliefs are actually the most dangerous ones in our system.

So simply: realize that this belief no longer serves us anymore.

It’s like holding onto hot coals believing that it’s good for you. So once you know at the cellular level that this is what causing pain, you will be able to let the false belief go.

Q&A on Releasing Traumas

Q: is the release of conditionings/contraction/trauma as simple as feeling the sensations as fully as possible when they arise?

A: Yes exactly. You can do one of 2 things when conditions arise.

  1. Feel every sensation as they are without judgments or resistance by giving them love and allow them to dissolve in boundless space. Neither indulge nor suppress.

  2. Vipassanalize them and see through to the empty nature of all sensations. See how all sensations; thoughts, emotions, the body, sight, sound, smell, taste, space, time, distance…even consciousness itself are all mental constructs.

Ultimately 1 and 2 are the same practice. So you can also take the middle way. Let the sensations be there exactly as they are and gently, without trying to change them, investigate into their empty nature.

“Emptiness” is a confusing and loaded word for most people. The most direct way to understand emptiness at the experiential level is to see that every experience and non-experience, from the most divine to the most mundane is a fabrication. A hallucination of mind. With no exceptions. Even the statement “everything is a mental fabrication” is itself a fabrication.

So in the end, there’s absolutely nothing you can say about what THIS is.

This insight is easy to understand intellectually, but when you truly grasped this experientially it’ll be earth shattering and paradigm-shifting.

Throughout the path, there will be experiences where your mind tricks you into believing that you’ve accessed some “Ultimate Reality”.

But all of that is the projection of self, and will ultimately create suffering. “I’m better than you because I know the truth and you don’t! You don’t understand life and you don’t understand me!”

Liberation has nothing to do with figuring out the nature of Reality. You simply become It without the need to know what IT is.

This doesn’t mean there isn’t an “experience” here. Everything can be perceived to be like the rainbow; there but not there. Transcending the duality between existence and non-existence.


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